Dai-Cast 013 - Not Quite Live From Sakuracon!
Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.
This week’s Dai-Cast is sponsored by Nishikaze II in Lethbridge Alberta, April 1st, 2006. See Nishikaze.org for details.
Topics Covered this Week:
- Liquor Laws In Japan
- What’s Going on at Sakuracon
- The Universal Life Church
- Moustache Rides in Japan
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gunsword and Scott McNeil
- RFID Update - Disaster Control
- Ages of Consent
- Nishikaze II and Random Shoutouts
- Beej’s Webcomic of the Week - Penny Arcade
Running Time: 00:48:48