Dai-Cast 022 - High on Air
Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.
Topics Covered this Week:
- Big-Toe Footy-Sock Shoes for Spacemen
- Naruto Sneakers
- Death Note Anime - About Freaking Time!
- ‘Touch Generations’ Label Created for Casual, Non-Traditional DS Games
- Canned Oxygen in 7-11
- Canned Oxygen Press Release
- Butler Cafes
- ‘Real Otaku’ vs Moe-Fetishists
- Beej’s Webcomic of The Week - Burnt Face Man
- Eryn’s Shoutout - Zarxrax @ AMVHell.com
- Jason’s Shoutout - The Big-O’s Japan Slam
- Beej’s Shoutout - Scribus
- Ian’s Shoutout - Nokia 6680
Running Time: 01:15:01