Dai-Cast 029 - Deepresso Cast
Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.
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- Ian Horner
- Jason Hill
- Brendan “Beej” Dery
- and Tim Borreson.
Topics Covered this Week:
- Deepresso, The Most Depressing Drink in Japan
- Dir en Gray Packs Houses in US
- Eyewitnesses to Hiroshima
- Harry S. Truman Found Guilty of War Crimes
- Japan Suicides Seen Staying High As Income Gap Widens
- J-Gov says Working More for Less Pay will Lower Suicide?
- Beej’s Webcomic of The Week - Malfunction Junction
- Jason’s Shoutout- Honey and Clover
- Beej’s Shoutout - The CSA
- Tim’s Shoutout - The Nippon Ham Fighters
- Ian’s Shoutout - The Girl Who Conquered Time
Running Time: 01:37:08