Jack Tompson + Phoenix Wright = Redemption
We should all by now be familiar with the antics of one Jack Thompson), and his personal crusade against the video gaming industry. And while I’m not sure that I’m the first person to suggest this unholy union, but hear me out. Given the combination of the impending release of Phoenix Wright 2: And Justice for All and the fact that Jack Thompson is an (asshole) lawyer be a combination made in one of the two possible afterlives? (heaven/hell for you non Christians)
The DS sequel to the smash/cult hit Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is already being promoted in Japan by a famous lawyer. (see Dai-Cast Ep 33) If Jack wants to redeem his position amongst gamers, theoretically all he would need to do is throw his weight behind Phoenix. I don’t see why he’d object; while Phoenix Wright does often have a young women in his employ as an assistant, he doesn’t seem to be known for slapping his “bitches” around. Nor is he known for his proclivity for ‘jacking’ cars; in fact, it seems that his main mode of transportation is foot. And in terms of weaponry, Phoenix only uses the fact, something that Jack has been trying to use ineffectively for more than a year.
What say you Jack? Let’s see you do something good for a change!