Dai-Cast 086 - the Final Pt. 2
Rome had Nero. The Aztecs had Cortez. Japan had it’s Fat Man. Throughout history, every great empire meets it’s end. And for Dai-Cast, that time is now. Welcome, friends, to the end of an era. An era marked by furious ratholes, meaningless banter, and the occasional nugget of real, informative content, all in the name of the education, elucidation, enlightnement, and mental emolument of the nipponistic hoi-polloi.
Join us then, for part one of the inevitable descent into greater obscurity, for “Dai-Cast, The Final: Part 2″.
- Ian Horner
- Chris the Fixed Kitty
- Eryn Dearden
- and Dan Ross
- with Brendan Dery as “Beej”
Topics Covered This Week:
- Noguchi Hideo, Japanese Father of Syphilis - wikipedia.com
- Hentai themed video card - gadgets.boingboing.com
- Few decide to take part in the Yamanote Halloween Train - japanprobe.com
- Japan PM Taro Aso “Won’t change his style” - japanprobe.com
- The Japanese love Sarah Palin - expatforobama.wordpress.com
- Japan sues American TV network over “Wipeout” - japanprobe.com
- 52% of Japanese don’t have a problem with counterfeit goods - japanprobe.com
- Seats block the doors on Japanese trains - japanprobe.com
- Emerging surveillance society in Japan - japanprobe.com
- Chris’s Non-Fiction Book of the Week: The Clitoral Truth: The Secret World at your Fingertips
- Beej’s Webcomics of the Week: Beej’s Top 5 Comic Artists of All Time!