Dai-Cast 087 - the Return

Last season on Dai-Cast, Ian Horner has been drawn out of his Crystal Gondola, as he discovered that a romantic tryst 200 years ago has sucked him in to the shady political world of the métis nation.

Jason Hill and his wife have suffered SNOW MADNESS in northern Japan. As meters of snow pile up around him, all he can do is watch NHL Game Center while caressing a giant pile of miso he keeps under his house at night.

Brendan Dery has been seduced by a steamy seamstress whose heart has been sewed up in the fabric of his life and has been irreversibly wound up in marriage. But romantic fireworks await as he carries on an affair with Princess Auto. But will his car ever be fixed?!

Meanwhile, Daniel Ross discovers his secret testicle powers after being bit by a radioactive tanuki. With the power of life at his very fingertips, how will he keep his magical abilities from his family?

Find out, in the latest episode of Dai-Cast!

