Dai-Cast 094 - It's Okay to Laugh Again
This week on Dai-Cast, we’re trying to find the lighter side of the aftermath of the Japanese Earthquake. And who better to attempt going beyond the impossible to punch through the heavens of good taste, than your host Ian Horner, Brendan “Beej” Dery, Eryn Dearden, and James Oikawa to do it.
This show focuses on such ridiculous topics as:
- Governor Ishihara banning Hanami in Tokyo
- The same Governor declaring that the quake was divine retribution
- The University of Kyoto banning cosplay at their graduation
- Insipid post quake PSA Commercials
- And the Internet’s attempt to turn them into Giant Robots
- Simpsons Censorship in Europe
- and the SWITL: Magic Goop Scoop
So sit back, grab a beer and watch the funny once again bloom over the alleys of our podcast. We hope?
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